Not to get all sentimental

…but Gather Round Children Dot Com turned two this week. First GRC post.

Hey, you should read Anjali’s new story. It’s good.

Also, I like Andrew Bird’s Blog. He’s recording an album and talking about it.

Liz and I spent last summer watching Media Education Foundation DVDs and now she’s going to intern there in the fall. Awesome.

Finally, it seems like the Cure spent the last couple of years asking themselves, “What makes us good?” Because it’s all there in the new single, “The Only One.”

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4 thoughts on “Not to get all sentimental

  1. Michael Ocean says:

    I was in the 11th row at the Cure’s 2nd show of this tour in Philly last Saturday. (Toot! Toot! Goes my own horn). This was definitely one of the standout new tracks, though there were a lot of standout tracks – they played 38 songs! No Lovecats and no Friday I’m In Love, though. Still a good time. If George Clinton and P-Funk weren’t playing on the same day as them in San Diego in three weeks, I’d so go see them again. :)

    (Tooting over.)

  2. Emily says:

    Anjali’s story is terrific! Thanks for the head’s up.

  3. Emily: I know, right! I like it when friends publish on the internet.

    Michael: That sounds awesome. That’s a really long show. That kind of endurance is amazing. Hey did you ever get into the Living End’s cover of 10:15 Saturday Night? I loved that EP that had that song. Nate and Matt got me into it in high school.

  4. No, I’m not familiar with it. Email it to me! :)

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